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Dear supporters, we desperately need your help!

We are facing a financial crisis, not knowing if we can meet next month's operational costs, which

amounts to $143,061. 2016 - 2017 has been difficult years for our ministry. We lost many supporters

in the past year, at the same time as we grieved the loss of our founder Elder Yang. This is a very

difficult letter for us to write, as we plead for your prayers and financial support. Our donations began declining when Elder Yang took ill with dementia at the end of 2015 and when he lost his ability to communicate with donors. When that happened, the rest of the CASA board members began working very hard to reach out to new and past donors, in addition to seeking collaboration with other Christian organizations. Global Enrichment Center in Los Angeles will partner with us to oversee the IUCA university beginning in June, 2017 and will fully take over the university in two years. We are also seeking partnership for our other schools and orphanages to firm up support.

At the same time, the CASA board made sure the schools and orphanages continue to run smoothly.

We're grateful the workers have remained faithful and dedicated to the ministry and the work has

continued to grow and flourish in Kyrgyzstan. We're also grateful for you, our supporters. Can we count on your sacrificial giving through this rough period? We would appreciate any amount of

support you can offer. We believe in the power of prayer and we desperately need your prayers.

Through your support, thousands of kids hear the Gospel, learn about Jesus in school, are cared for

and receive an excellent, corruption-free education.

We are hoping not to close our projects due to lack of funds. The orphans in our Kara-Balta Children's Home would have nowhere to go, children at our Kemin school for kids with disabilities would have nowhere else to go for an education, students at our Christian schools would have to return to public school without Bible classes or Christian witness, our IUCA campus Bible studies and outreaches would be silenced, our neighborhood outreaches and our summer camps would not be possible.

Closure of our schools would affect so many Christians and potential Christians in Kyrgyzstan.

Please help us not to let that happen! We know the enemy would love for us to fail but the children in

Kyrgyzstan deserve to know Jesus. Our Lord wants us to bring the children to Him. May the Lord be

glorified in all that we do.

Thank you for responding to our great need! Please either donate online on our website:

or send a check to:

1622 Fairview Ct

Rockford, IL 61107

We are grateful for your faithful support and we pray that God blesses you for your generosity.

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C.A.S.A. is a  501 (c)(3) 

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Tel: 1-779-210-2640



2733 Atherton Lane
Rockford, IL 61114

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