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Daria's testimony

Our schools have been changing kids lives for 15 years! This is a testimony of one of our students.

Daria is a great student, she has everything a girl needs to be happy: a great family, she is loved by everyone around her, but she always needed something else, she knew that there was something missing in her life. One day she came to a life group service and watched the movie "Jesus" - and from that moment her life changed forever. She would come to every life group service and ask many questions about Jesus, about sin, about Christ's Cross. She said she wanted to accept Jesus. She was so happy! She was so excited to share the Gospel message with her parents, but her dad said: "You won't go to church anymore!" However, her dad's response did not discourage her. She started praying for her family: "Dear Jesus, it is so good to be with you and I want to go to church to worship you with your children, but my parents don't allow me to go to church and don't allow me to talk to you, please, help me!" The more resistant her dad was, the more Daria prayed. And one Sunday she finally came to church - she was so happy! And now she can talk about Christ at home! Sharing the gospel makes Daria so happy! We are so glad that our schools and ministries changed this kid's life and we praise Jesus for that!

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