This past week the School of Blessing lost one of its brightest students, in the blink of an eye. Samar Amankulov, age 17, who attended the School of Blessing from 1st grade, died in an electrical accident at home. There are no words to describe the sorrow of his family but they are comforted by the fact that Samar accepted Jesus as His Savior during the 2016 school summer camp, when he heard the call for repentance. Thanks be to God for His grace! Samar's funeral was at the School of Blessing with the entire school in attendance. His classmates and teachers wanted to say farewell to this wonderful boy. The pastor had many kind and encouraging words for the family and guests and everyone prayed together for God's supernatural comfort and peace for Samar's family. Samar is now resting in the arms of Jesus. This week our mission became even clearer, knowing we need to make a difference in the eternal destiny of a child. We must share the Gospel before it is too late. Only God knows the time and the hour when each of us are called home. Let's keep working together to bring more children to Christ while there is still time.