Bringing Faith, Hope & Love
to the
Children of Central Asia

Change a life...
Bring Faith, Hope and Love
to the Children of Central Asia

Our goal is to care for, educate and equip children from elementary grades through higher education with academic knowledge.

We strive to promote the students compassion for others and develop their spirit of generosity so they may give back to their community and country.

We teach our kids Christian moral ethics, life and work skills so they can find future employment and contribute to the well being of their communities.
Central Asia Sharing Aid (C.A.S.A.) is a Christian humanitarian organization founded in 2000, committed to the well being and spiritual renewal of Central Asian people, especially children.
Through education, health care, economic development, building international awareness and understanding, and other charitable activities, C.A.S.A. helps children and communities help themselves.
Support our ministries
Sponsor a child:
You will be linked with one particular child who will know your name, write to you and treasure the thought that you care.
Give a donation
Your charitable donations can mean the difference of saving another soul.
We accept donations in any amount, big or small.
Please make your check payable to Central Asia Sharing Aid (C.A.S.A.)
and send your donations to:
2733 Atherton Lane
Rockford, IL 61114
Or donate online: